[Airflow] - Concept개발/Airflow 2022. 8. 3. 15:40
Airflow Default Concept 1. Operator An Operator is conceptually a template for a predefined Task, that you can just define declaratively inside your DAG For a list of all core operators(built-in) BashOperator - executes a bash command PythonOperator - calls an arbitrary Python function EmailOperator - sends an email with DAG("my-dag") as dag: ping = SimpleHttpOperator(endpoint="http://example.co..
[Python] - Set개발/Python 2022. 7. 27. 13:05
Set set은 수학에서 이야기하는 집합과 비슷합니다. Not order, unique value mutable Object 1. Syntax s = set() s = set([1,3,5,7]) similar dictionary, but no key . Only value value is not immutable s = {"1", 3, 5, (1,3)} # Error s = {"1", 3, 5, [1,3]} s = {"1", 3, 5, {1,3}} s = {"1", 3, 5, frozenset([1,3,4])} 2. Change Element k = {100, 105} # insert value k.add(50) # multiple value insert k.update([3, 4, 5]) # delet..