
  • [Airflow] - Concept
    개발/Airflow 2022. 8. 3. 15:40

    Airflow Default Concept


    1. Operator

    An Operator is conceptually a template for a predefined Task, that you can just define declaratively inside your DAG

    For a list of all core operators(built-in)

    with DAG("my-dag") as dag:
        ping = SimpleHttpOperator(endpoint="http://example.com/update/")
        email = EmailOperator(to="admin@example.com", subject="Update complete")

    Jinja Template

    Airflow leverages the power of Jinja Templating and this can be a powerful tool to use in combination with 
    #BashOperator Example
    # The start of the data interval as YYYY-MM-DD
    date = "{{ ds }}"
    t = BashOperator(
        bash_command="/tmp/test.sh ",
        env={"DATA_INTERVAL_START": date},
    • {{ ds }} is a templated variable.
    • env parameter is templated with jinja.
    • You can use Jinja templating with every parameter that is marked as “templated” in the documentation
    • Template substitution occurs just before the pre_execute function of your operator is called.
    • You can also use Jinja templating with nested fields
    • fields registered in template_fields property will be submitted to template substitution
    • The template_fields property can equally be a class variable or an instance variable.
    class MyDataReader:
        template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("path",)
        def __init__(self, my_path):
            self.path = my_path
        # [additional code here...]
    t = PythonOperator(
        op_args=[MyDataReader("/tmp/{{ ds }}/my_file")],


    2. Xcoms

     Tasks talk to each other
    • An XCom is identified by a key (essentially its name), as well as the task_id and dag_id
    • XComs are explicitly “pushed” and “pulled” to/from their storage using the xcom_push and xcom_pull methods on Task Instances.
    # Pulls the return_value XCOM from "pushing_task"
    value = task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='pushing_task')



    3. Dags

    Dag status info

    - Dagrun = Dag스케줄러(or Trigger)가 DAG의 execution_date(실행시간)를 정의하고 DagRun이 시간에 맞게 생성된다.

    - Taskintance = 하나의 DagRun과 연관된 tasks 즉, 스케줄이 정의된 task를 TaskInstance라고 한다.

    - execution_date = 스케줄링 된 실행시간을 의미

    - start_date = 실제 dagrun이 실행된 시간을 의미




    4. Executor

    1. SequentialExector (default)
    • task 순차 처리 / SQLite3를 backend로 설정 / TEST로 사용 권장
    2. LocalExecutor
    • task 병렬 처리 가능 / MySQL이나 PostgreSQL을 backend로 설정 / task마다 subprocess를 생성
    3. CeleryExecutor
    • task를 여러 서버(node)에 분산 처리 가능 (cluster) / Celery backend (RabbitMQ, Redis, …) 설정이 필요
    4. DaskExecutor
    • Celery와 같은 역할이지만 Dask로 처리
    5. KubernetesExecutor
    • Kubernetes로 cluster 자원을 효율적으로 관리 가능


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